Who Can Say. When Your Heart Cries. As Your Love Dies. Only Time!
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We Will Shine As One You Captured my heart Morning Glory and Midnight Sun!

Mein Liebling,

Wo sie sind? Ich vermisse sie, mein liebling wei Ich immer aber tue, ist heute especialy hart, weil das ozean zu mir in meinen Traumen und in meinem herzen siging. Ein platz so schon, nie sah Ich. Nur in meinen memories Ich. Nur in meinen Herzen. Ich Dose amost gehuhl sie neben mir. Wei Ich meine gedachtnis von Tagen lang voruber voz zeiten der sorge der versuche und der Tribulations. Ich versuche so stark, zu leben das schicksal. Nachts, wenn immer der bin, velangen sie sie und wann immer der schmerz scheint, das grosste zu sein die schnsucht scheint, das grosste zu sein die schnsucht und der yearning. Sie kommen zu mir in der Traumen zuruck, und in meinem hezen sie mangles, das  liebe und komfort und es mein Herz brachen. Die wiche leichte Brige und die sterne uber dem licht des der Frieden. Den wir fulhten. Die schoheit, die Ich von nur traumen kann und die Gedachtnisse in meinem Herzen. Die Reflexion en der schonheit userer Liebe und das gedachtnisse in meinem Herzen. Die Reflexion der schonheit userer liebe und das peacefulness, die wir fuhlten. Der Traum und die Liebe, die teil ten wir so vollommen sind. Nichts mogen auf dieser masse order auf Himmel. Ich sehe sie, nach dem hereinlegden auf gatz und Ich mit Ihnen und die sonhonheit und das rushige wasser sich zu lehen unten, solch ein schones und himmlisches. Anblickparadies  zu uns. In Tag und die zeit, Ich yearn wahrend solch eins Moments Paradies. In meinem Herzen gebe mich Ich ruber zu diesem moment immer. Leicht der Rissfall von meinen Augen. Jst I lang und  Jahr zum zu flustern, Gedanken von kogewrten zu meiner  Liebe aushhalten. Ein hells glazen der liebe so hell als alle sterne es nicht mehr sein kann. I nur lang und yearn, sie sind alles zu mir meinen Liebe die es nicht mehr sein kann. Ich nur lang und yearn, sie in meinem Aremen zu halten also nah und zart. Uberhaurpt so licht. Ich wunsche, dass Ich sie halten konnet, wenn sie schreien und komfort auf meine Liebe fur immer und uberhaupt mehr schutz. Der nebel, der vom entfernten horonit schleicht approaching ist langsam sich ein, uns inner einzaunen, einschlagen unserer welt nabel. Ich wachse angstlich als es approaches wissend dass Ich nicht mich furchten sollte. Es kommet rollen wei eine wolk die alles bedeckt, das Einweg Entweichen nur verhindert.

                                         (Copyright 2004) By Anna Muller

Love So Eternal Enduring So Ageless Forever Always In My Heart Kaptain Helmut Mohlmann Ich Liebe!

Where Does My Heart Lie

Where does my heart lie? Across many a distant shore. Across many a distant time. Across many a far distant ocean deep. Where does does my heart lie? Somewhere far beyond this world. Somewhere far beyond time. A mystery my heart, lies a mystery.  Unsettled unable to find rest.

Far beneath the ocean so deep. Far beneath the river swiftly churning. Where does my heart lie? Like a mystery, like a legend. Like the Loralie in the Rhine. Where does my heart lie? It is unbound restless spirit on the winds of a time long past.

Yes, it exsits my heart, but remains. A mysterious legend show this heart of mine sign? Show this heart of mine a sign?

Copyright 2004 By Anna Muller

U751 Kaptain Helmut Mohlmann brings her home safe and her crew!

Because You Loved Me

For all thoes times you stood by me. For all the truth that you made me see. For all the joy you brought to my life. For all the wrong that you made right. For every dream you made come true. For all the love I found in you. I'll be forever thankful Kaptain helmut Mohlmann. You're the one who held me up. Never let me fall. You're the one who saw me through it all. 

You were my strength when I was week. You were my voice when I could not speak. You were my eyes when I could not see. You saw the best there was in me. Lifted me up when I could not reach. You gave me faith because you belived. I'm everything I am because you loved me.

You gave me wings and I could fly. You touched my hand and I copuld touch the sky. I lost my faith you brought it back to me. You said no star was out of reach. I have your love I have it all. I am greatful for each day you gave me. I am blessed because you love me and I love you for all eternity.

You were my strength when I was week. You were my voice when I could 't speak. You were my eyes when I could't see. You saw the best there in me. Lifted me up when I could't reach. You gave me faith because you belived. I am everything I am because you love me and I love you.

You were always there for me the tender wind that carried me. A light in the dark shining your love into my life. You are my inspiration. Through the lies you were the truth. My world is a better place because of  you.

You were my strength when I was week. You were my voice when I couldn't speak. You were my eyes when I could't see. You saw the best there was in me.  Lifted me up when I couldn't reach. You gave me faith because you belived. I am everything I am because You loved me and i love you for all eternity! Ich Liebe Kaptain Helmut Mohlmann.

Grand Admiral's Albert Graf Speer's Ship!

Admiral Graf Speer

October 1 1932- The keel of the Admiral Graf Speer was laid down in Reichsmarinewerft in Welhelmshaven.  June 30 1934- Admiral Graf Speer is launched. January through May 1935- Admiral Graf Speer is commissioned. January through May 1936- Admiral Graf Speer undergoes its trial runs. June 1936- Admiral Graf speer conducts various operations in the Atlantic Ocean. Augest 20 through October 9 1936- Admiral Graf Speer is involved in the first Spanish Operation for the Battleship. December 13 1936 through Febaury 14 1937- Admiral Graf Speer takes part in a second Spanish Operation.  March 2 through May 6th 1937- Admiral Graf Speer is involved in third operation into Spanish Waters. May 15 through May 22 - Admiral graf Speer is present to participate in the International Fleet parade at Spithead. June 23 through Augest 7th 1937-Admiral Graf Speer is involved in a fourth Spain Operation. Febaury 7th through May 6th 1937- Admiral Graf Speer undergoes training Operations around Norway. October through November 1938- Admiral Graf Speer is ordered to engage in the Atlantic Ocean. April through May 1939- Admiral Graf Speer continues to Operate in the Atlanitc Ocean. Augest 21st 1939- Admiral Graf Speer deports Welhelmshaven and moves toward the South Atlantic. September 11th through September 25 - Admiral Graf Speer is stationned about 900 miles to the west Bahia. September 26th 1939- Admiral Graf Speer receives orders to engage and attempt to sink any sighted allied merchant vessels. September 30th 1939- Admiral Graf speer sinks the Clement, a British Streamer,near Pernabuco. October 5th 1939- Admiral Graf Speer succedds in sinking the Newton Beach. October 7th 1939- Admiral Graf Speer sinksthe Ashlea. October 10th 1939- Admiral Graf Speer sinks Travania. November 1939- Admiral Graf Speer moves into the Indian Ocean, where she sinks a small British Steamer the Africa shell. December 1939- Admiral Graf Speer sinks Doric Star. December 1939- Admiral Graf Speer distoyers the Taioria. December7th 1939- Admiral Graf  Speer spots British cruisers Exter and Ajax, as well as Norwegian Cruiser Achilles and engages. The Battleship scores hits on the Exter, badly damaged the ship. Admiral Graf Speer scores several hits the other two cruisers as well, receiving several hits in retaltion, most of which failed to pentrate the ships armor. December 14th 1939- Admiral Graf Speer arrives in Montevideo around 06:15 hours pending reports that the Royal Navy was arriving  in force nearby. Almost two hours later, the Battleship is scuttled in La Platte Estuary.

Admiral Graf Speer was of the Deutchland Class.

The Bismarck Her Last Moments!

Nearer MY God To Thee!

Nearer my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee. E'en thou it be the cross. That raiseth me; Still all my songs shall be, nearer my God to Thee, Nearer my God to thee, Nearer to thee!

Tho' like a wander, The sun goes down. Darkness over me, My rest a stone. Yet in my dreams I'd be, nearer my God to Thee. Nearer my God to Thee, nearer my God to Thee!

Then, with my waking thoughts. Bright with thy praise, Out of my stony griefs, Bethel I'll raise; So by my woes to be, Nearer my God to Thee. Nearer my God to Thee!

Or if, on joyful wing clearing the sky, Sun moon and stars forgot, Upward I shall fly, still all my song shall be, nearer, my God to Thee. Nearer my God to Thee!


The Sharnhorst Career Timeline!

The Sharnhost Career Timline!

June 15th 1935- The Sharnhorst lay down at the Kriegsmarinewerft shipyard in Welhelmshaven Slipway 2. October 3th 1936-The Sharnhorst is launched. The pre-launch speech is delvered by War Minister, Generalfeldmarchschall Warner Von Blomburg, and the ship christned by widow of Kaptain Felix Shultz lost with armoured cruiser Sharnhorst in World War One. January 7th 1939- The Shanhorst is commissioned under Otto Ciliax. Febuary through March 1939- The Sharnhorst conducts trials in the Baltic Sea. April 1st 1939- At Welhelmshaven Erich Raeder is promoted to Grand Admiral aboard the Sharnhorst and the Battleship Tirpitz is launched. June through Augest 1939- Reconstrution at Welhelmshaven Naval Dockyard. The streight stem is removed and replaced by an Atlantic Bow, the funnel is fitted with a cap. In addition the hanger is enlarged and equipped with a new catapult. The Main Mast in the funnel is removed and 27 M astern of the hanger. September - October 1939- The Sharnhorst anchored at Welhelmshaven. October 17th 1939- At Welhelmshaven the crew of the Sharnhorst lined up on deck Welcomes U-47 ( Lieutentant Gunther Prien) after his successful attack in the Scapa Flow. November 21st 1939- The Sharnhosrt departs Welhelmshaven with her sister ship The Gneisenau under the command of Vice Admiral Wilhelm Marschall. November 23th 1939- At 20:00 Hours The Sharnhorst sinks the 16,697 ton British Auxiliary Cruiser Rawalpindi ( Captain Edward Kennedy). The Sharnhorst is hit by a 152 mm projectile from The Rawalpindi but the damage is insignificant picks up 27 survivors. Novermber 27th 1939- At Midday arrives at Welhelshaven. December 1939 through Febuary 1940- The MES ( Magnetischer Eigenschutz)"Magntic Self Projection System" is installled, and a new FUMO 22 Radar Set is mounted on the Foretop Platform. February 18th through 19th 1040- The Sharnhorst performs a short sorti in the North Sea.  April 6th 1940- Around 0400 Hours, some 50 miles off Narvik, The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau under the command Of Vice Admiral Gunther Lutjens, are engaged by the British Battle Cruiser Renown. In Brief exchange of fire The Gneisenau receives 38 cm hits and the Renown two 28 cm hits.  April 6th 1940- Operation Wessenbung. At midnight, leaves Welhelmshaven with Gneisenau as the cover force of Group 1 for the invasion of Norway. June 4th 1940- Operation Juno. At 0700 Hours leaves Kiel with Gneisenau, the cruiser Admiral Hipper and Destroyers, Erich Steinbrink, Hans Lody, Hermann Schoemann and Karl Galster. June 8th 1940- At 1600 Hours, The Sharnhorst sights, The British carrier Glorious ( Captain D' Oyly Hughes) escorted by the distoyers Acasta (Commander Charles Glasfield) and The Adernt (Lietutenant Commander F. Baker). At 3200 Hours opens fire from 26,000 meters (2800 yards)  Six minutes later at 1638 Hours, from 24,000 meters (26,300 Yards) The Glorious is hit on the flight deck starting a fire. Gneisenau opens fire at 1642 Hours and a few minutes later the later The Glorious is hit again in the Bridge killing the Captian and most of the personnel there. At 1656 Hours The Sharnhorst and Gnisenau cease fire temperarily due to the smoke screen launched by combined fire of both German Battleships, At 1720 Hours she is hit in the center engine room. Meanwhile, the Acasta, closes on and obtains a torpedo hit on The Sharnhorst at about 1730 Hours. The Torpedo tore hole of 14x6 meters in the hull, and 2,500 tons of water poured into the ship. As a consequence of this torpedo hit the aft 28 cm turret is out of action, and 48 men die. Heavily damaged The Glorious capsizes and sinks at 1810 Hours. The Acasta finally sinks at 1820 Hours. In all more than 1,500 British Sailors lose their lives. During this action The Sharnhorst expands 212x28 cm and 842x 15 cm shells. June 9th 1940 - The Sharnhorst goes to Welhelmshaven for repair work. January 23th 1940- The sharnhorst Operation Berlino, departs Kiel, with The Gneisenau under command Of Admiral Gunther Lutjens. January 28th 1940- The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau sight British Cruiser Naiad in the Iceland Faroe Strait and refuel from tanker Schlettstadt some 150 miles south of Cape Farewell. Febuary 8th 1941- The Sharnhorst sights a convoy HX-106 escorted by Battleship Ramillies. Therefore Admiral Gunther Lutjens breaks contact.  Febuary 14th 1941- The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau refuel fron tanker Esso, Hamburg and Schlettstadt. Febuary 22 sc 1941- The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau  sink the British Merchantmen Kantra (3,240 tons) Trelawney (4,690 tons) Huff (6,200 tons) tanker (6, 156 tons) and Harlesden (5,500 tons) February 27th 1941- Sharnhorst and Gneisenau meet with U-124 (Lieutenant Willhelm Schultz) March 7th 1941- Scharnhorst and Gneisenau sights The Battleship Malaya that together with other cruisers escorts convoy SL-67 of 58 ships. Admiral  Gunther Lutjens reports the position of the covoy to the U-Boots that sink the Hindpool, Lahore, Harmodias, and Nardana with a total tonnage 28,500. In the next eight days U-105 and U-106 sink seven more ships and score a torpedo hit in Malaya that heads to New York via Trinidad for repairs. March 15th 1941- The Sharnhorst and the Gneisenau sink 16 merchant vessels being sighted by the British Battleship The Rodney. March 16th 1941- The Rodney queries the ship on its identfication, to which The German Gneisenau replies HMS Emerald. The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau return home to Brest arriving 6 days later. March 22 through Febuary 13th 1942- The Sharnhorst and The Gneisenau and the Prinz Eugen Z4 Richard Beitzen, Z5 Paul Jacob Z7 Hermann Schoemann Z14 Fredrich Ihn, Z25 229 and 14 Torpedo Boots break into the Atlantic for Operation Cerberus. March 1943- The Sharnhorst leaves for North Norway, stationed in the Alta Fjord. September 6th through 7th 1943- The Sharnhorst along with The Tirpitz, Z6 Theordor Reidel Z10 Hans Lody Z5 Erich Steinbrick Z20 Karl Galster Z27 Z29 Z3 and Z23 all leave to attack Allied Base at Spitzbergen. December 26th 1943- The Sharnhorst Z29 Z30 Z33 and Z38 leave to attempt an attack on convoy JW- 55B, but is detected by British Cruisers, which relay sighting on to a larger force. December 6th 1943- The Sharnhorst is sighted by British Battleship Duke Of York and is sunk roughly at 7:45 pm after several Hours of Fighting. Of the entire crew only 36 survivors of the Sharnhorst's crew would survive.

Statistics On The Sharnhorst!

Maximum Dispalcement: 38, 900 tons.

Top Speed: 31.65 knots

Length: 229.8 meters  (234.9 meters after 1938 refit

Beam: 30 meters

Armament: 3 Aircraft (Arado AR-196)

9- 28 CM  Guns

14- 10.5 CM Guns

16- 3.7 CM Guns

10-2 CM Machine Guns

6- 53.3 Torpedo Tubes



Chief Admiral Gunther Lutjens goes down with the Bismarck in Front Of Turret Anton!

Call The Man By Celine Dion

Close the door. Shut the world away. All the fights gone from this wounded heart. Across the deck dreams and shadows play. Like wind blown refugees.

Call the man. Who deals in love beyond repair. He can heal the world. Of hearts in need of care. Shine a light ahead. When the next step is unclear. Call the Man he is needed here.

I close my eyes. I remember when. You felt the fear and your suffering and pain was so deep. Your fate was so very clear for yourself and your crew. The beauty of The Bismarck only in our hearts and memorires so true. I know the tears I cry won't bring you back again. Only in my dreams and in my heart you live and dwell for all eterinty. Unless a lonely star shall fall.

Call the Man. Who deals in love beyond repair. He can heal the world. Of hearts in need of care. Shine a light when the next step is unclear. Call the Man he is needed here.

Needed in the Chaos and confusion. Needed where the proud walk the wire are set to fall. Call the Man who deals in once upon a time. Maybe He can mend this broken heart of mine. Shine light ahead when the future is unclear. Call the Man He is needed here.

Changes to Celine's Dions song (copyright 2004) By Anna Muller

In Tribute to all who parished on the Bismarck Chief Admiral Gunther Lutjens!

The Sharnhorst Memorial Plaque!

This Is The True Sharnhorst Memorial Dedication Plaque!

Here is My Dedication to thoes that parished when the Sharnhorst sank!

Fly By Celine Dion

Fly, fly little wing. Fly beyond imagining. The soft cloud , the whitest dove. Upon the wings of Heaven's love. Past the planets and the stars. Leave this lonely world of ours. Escape the sorrow an dthe pain. And fly again.

Fly, fly precious one. Your endless journey has begun. Take your gentle happiness. Far too beautiful for this. Cross over to the other shore. There peace for evermore. But hold this bittersweet. Until we meet.

Fly, fly do not fear. Don't waist a breath don't shead a tear. Your heart is pure, your soul is free. Be on your way don't wait for me. Above the universe you'll climb. On beyond the hands of time. The moon will rise, the sun will set. But I won't forget.

The Bismarck today Her open Bridge!

The Bismarck today!

The wreck of our once beautiful ship the Pride of The German Navy Kriegsmarines was the ship of dreams! She was she really was! There is a memorial to her and her crew. She is now at her resting place  in very deep waters in th Atlantic. Gone beneath the deep resting now on the bottom of the sea floor with her crew such a sorrowful sight. I cry and weep for I remember the way she was and how proud we all were of her. Now in memory. Quietly her guns are all silent is lost. Silent in her grave beneath the deep. Let lay as she is a memorial in the deep.

(Copyright 2004) By Anna Muller

German Pow's From The U-128

Pow's From U-128 !

This is dedicated to them.

Now so unsure of our fate. So unsure and so far from our home. Scared and alone. We just want to live. Life is so precious and we only wan tto see our homeland again. We are scared and frightened and so alone. Without anyone to care. Undeserving of this fate we now have to endure and we cannot understand it. We are so scared and alone so frightened. Please Please we only want ot live and see our homeland again. Please Please help us please.

(Copyright 2004) by Anna Muller

The Tipritz In Welhelmshaven Naval Yard!

The Tirpitz At Welhelmshaven!

In the background you can see her Turrets. She truely  is beautiful. She is named after Grand Admiral Alfred P. Von Tirpitz. She had three turrets. She was so beautiful.

The Bismarck showing her open Bridge 2

This is Psalm 23 dedicted to thoes who lost there lives when the Bismarck sank.

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for though art with me, thy rod and staff comfort me. Thou preparest a table in the presence of mine enmies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of life: and I will dwell in house of Lord forever.

Kaptain Fritz Frauenheim U-534!

Kaptain Fritz Frauenheim went down  with the U-534!

This is dedicated to Kaptain Fritz Frauenheim and the crew of U-534!

From The Heart!

Listen to my heart. Forever sad. I am lost without. The great love lives between us, will guide me. Be with me always. dayand night. I am weeping tears of great sorrow and loneliness. The tear fall from my eyes so sorrowfully because you are no longer here on this Earth. Asleep in a deep silent grave. Longing for peace to come. Lost upon the dep sea. I have ledgens in the deep. far beneath the darkness you lay sleeping. I pray for your peace and release,your hearts are free, as your souls. Beneath the watery depths that I shall not see. Many blessings of peace to you I bring. Cry no more for you are free your heart and soul is free to begine your eternal journey!

(Copyright 2004) by Anna Muller

Asgeneral Adlof Galland Of The Lutwaffe!

Asgeneral Adlof Galland Of The Lutwaffe!

"Only the spirit of attack, born of a brave heart, will bring success to any fighter aircraft, no matter how highly developed it may be."

Galland was one of the most notorious fighter aces of World War II . On day, he managed to shoot down three Allied Planes and was shot down himself. On October 1st 1939, Galland was promoted to Kaptian. He was later transfered to J6-26 and took command of the group 3 on June 10th 1940. Just a month later Galland was promoted to Major and awarded the Knights Cross. Galland continued to distinguish himself and than one month he was awarded The Knights Cross Of The Iron Cross. Shortly after this award Galland was Kommodore Of Fighter Wing 26. On September 25th 1940. Just over a two months later, Galland was promoted to Lieutant Colonel. By the end of 1941 Galland had received several more awards, planned the arial coverage for the Battleships The Sharnhorst nad The Gneisenau during the "Channel Dash" and promoted General Major. By the end of the war Galland had been promoted to General Lieutenant - made General Of Fighters and allowed to form a new fighter group. This new Fighter Group, JV-44 was the only fighter group.

In Honor and Commeration and Respect Always Never Forgotten!

In Mourning So Deep!

Weeping tears falling from eyes. Here in my heart. I love you so much. My love for you so deep, is longing to be with you. To be with you always. So much, apart of me. You are always. So much alike in so many ways. I am so sorry that I was not around to be with you in your last days and moments. So much a part of me you will always be. When I found out you passed on from this world. I was so hurt, it hurt me all over again so fresh the wound in my heart bleed. The tears I cried fell from my eyes. In mourning I still I am to this very day and beyond for eternity. How can I not feel so much love in my heart. My love for you is deeper than any sea. My love deeper and brighter than all the stars in the Heaven's can ever be. I love you more than my own life itself Kaptain Helmut Moehlmann. If I can be with you somehow some way. I would tell you everyday I love you and how much enduring words of endearment to you. You tell me now, I belong to the world of the living. I know and sincerely belive you are my Angel protecting me watching over me. Holding me safe when I weep my tears that keep falling from my eyes, my heart is so much pain. Somedays it seems like a day filled with rain and tears. Oh God I am so sorry my love. My Prince my everything Kaptain Helmut Moehlmann. Ich Liebe forever and evermore until we are joined as one. Ich Liebe!

(Copyright 20004) by Anna Muller


(copyright 2004) Web Master