Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offence and is never resentful. It takes no pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth, to hope, and to endure whatever comes.
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For All The Things You Made Me See I am Eternally Greatful Ich Liebe!

I knew Of Your Tears

I knew of your tears. I know of fears and the pain you faced. All th e sadness you endured. It was more then your hearts could take. I weep my tears for you in understanding and love. I feel for you these tears are for you. I weep silently so unrestaindly. For all the days you are gone from this earth. Taken from you so suddenly so unfairly. You never had a chance. I feel for you. I knew of you tears and mine are for you in mouring each and day night thinking of you.

Dreams I Have For You Never Gone Mouring You For Eterinty!


I dream of a lifetime past. I dream of days not mine. I dream of you and all the things you endured the suffering and pain the tears and the fears you faced alone. You shine with a light so bright in my heart. brighter than the sun. I dream of long ago of days of fear and heartbreak. I dream of you and seeing what you saw. Embracing your reality. In my dreams. In my dreams I dream of the sea at sunset the beautiful misty painted water. It is a beauty unsupassed. Never did I see what you saw captured only in my memories amd in my dreams. A memory a dream preciuos few can ever see or embrace. A dream locked away in my heart mourning for you. Memories of ages ago gone but not forgotten not ever. Never buried in a grave relived in my dreams of love that I have only for you.

The Way We Were Misty watercolored memories of the way we were.

Anywhere Is

I walk the maze of moments. But everywhere I turn to begines a new beginning. But never finds a finish. I walk to the horizon. Her i find another. It is all seems so surprising, and the I find that I know.

You go there you are gone forever. I go there I will lose my way. If I stay here we are not together anywhere is.

The moon upon the ocean. Ist swept around in motion.Without ever knowing. The reason for it's flowing. The motion on the ocean. the moon still keep on waving. Still I keep on going.

I wound if the stars sign. The life that is to mine. Would they let their light shine. Enough for me to follow. I look up to the heavens. Night is clouded over. No spark of constillation, no Vela no Orion.

The shells upon the warm sands. Have taken from their own lands. The echo of their story. All I hear are low sounds. As pillow words are weaving. The willow waves are leaving. Should I be beliving?

To leave the thread of all time. let it make a dark line. In hopes that I can still find. The way back to the moment. I took the turn and turned to, begin a new beginning. still looking for the answer. I cannot find the finish. It is either this way or the other. It is one way or the other. It should be one reflection. The turn I have just have, the turn that I was just making. It might be the beginning. It might be the end.

Angels tears as rain gently falls upon the paradise in my heart Deutchland Ich Liebe!

Deutchland Deutchland

Always home in my heart. So far apart this distance in between. Always in my dreams paradise to me. A world of Heaven. My special paradise. Shining so bright with a heavenly beautiful light. Rain my teardrops fall. Tears of Angels weep. Quiet lament sorrow deep. a part of me in another time and place. Dreams of the deep. Unquiet rest. Time of mourning my loss. the pain and so sorrow in my heart. Weeping constant tears.  My world of paradise, my world of Heaven. So beautiful. My hearts lament. Deutchland Deutchland my love my light. Angels dwell and weep. My hearts lament. Paradise Deutchland my paradise. My hearts lament sorrow so deep. Deutchland Deutchland Ich Liebe Iche Liebe!

I belive in dreams and hopes somedays can happen with faith and love remains always in my heart throught all eternity. Ich Liebe vermissen!

Twlight Will Be Coming

Rays of sunlight on the waters. Reflections shining so bright, so beautiful. The passing of the day seems, so peaceful and calm. Multicolored visions and refrlections. Upon the water a dream so real. Never experanced by me or seen. Only a picture in my memory. A long some long ago painting did I see. Ocean waves reflecting the setting sun upon the horizon. Twlight will be coming soon. This is not my reality at all. This never did I see at all. Only in my dreams and in my memories. This I know twlight will be coming soon. Then the night, the moon and all the stars above. Twlight is coming now, it is here.

To Mein Liebling helmet moehlmann Ich Liebe forever and ever Ich Liebe!

On Your Shore

Strange  how my heart beats. To find myself upon your shore. strange how I still feel. My loss of comfort gone before. Coll waves wash ove and drift. Wash over and drift away with dreams of youth so time is stolen. I cannot hold you long enough. So this is where I should be now. Days and nights fallen by. So this time of youth is is stolen. I cannot hold you enough. So this where I should be now. Days and nights falling by me. I know of a dream. I should be holding. Days and nights falling by. Days and night falling by me. Soft blue horizons reach far into my childhood days. As you are rising to bring me forgotten ways. Strange how I falter. To find I an standing in water so deep. Stranger how I find I am standing on your shore.

I weep an endless river of tears that leads to the sea Mein Liebe!

Shine With Glory Beauty And Light

Shine with all your glory beauty and light. It is yours. Nothing can can ever change it or take it from you. You will always in my eyes shine with glory beauty and light. Nothing can supass the you beauty profound. You will shine so true. A light of hope a light of glory. Shine so bright. Upon th ewater for all to see your beauty you shine. You shine with glory beauty and light. Unsupassed. with grace and love for Admiral Albert Graff Speer you shine with glory honor beauty and light.

mein Liebling Kaptian Helmet Moehlmann Ich Liebe Mein Liebe Eternal!

Mein Liebling

Wo sind sie? Ich vermisse sie mein liebling, wei Ich immer aber tue, ist heute fur mich especially hart, den der ozean singing. Es platz so schon, nei sah Ich. Nur den Gedachtnissen und in meinem herzen. Ich kann inmer neben mir fast glauben. Wei Ich meine gedanke screibe. Es ist liebe und gluck und verstehen Ich suchte. Ich gedachtnissen von tagen lang voruber sorge, trilas und tribulations. Ich versuche stark, zu leben das schicksal. Nachts, wenn, Ich Ich ganz allein bin, verlangen sie sie immer der schmerz scheint, die greatestthe sehnsucht und der yearning zu sein. Sie kommen zu meinen Traumen zuruck, Ich sah, dass sie mangles der liebe und komfort weiche brige und die unten nach uns galtzt. Sonnenuntergang das ruhewasser der freiden, den wir fuhlten. Die schoheit, die Ich von nur Traumen kann und die gedachtnisse in meinem herzen. Der liebe und des liebe, die teiten wir so vollkommen sind, nachts mogen dieses auf masse oder im Himmel. Ich sehe sie am hereinlegebden aufgazt mit mir sich zu lehnem, sie und die schoheit des ruheuwasser unten. Solch ein schoner und himmlischer ablick. paradies Ich ruber zu diesem moment. Paradies in meinem herzen gebe Ich mein. Selbst ruber zu diesem moment immer. Leicht der rissfall von meinen augen. Yearn gerechte lange I und zu meiner Liebe aushabten. Fine liebe so hell, gfolazen heller als das ganes sterne ot der mond oder die sonne. Sie sind alles zu mehr sein kann. Yearn lony lange Ich und sie in meinem armsso ende so zart zu halten. Uberhaupt so liecht. Ich wuchsche, dass, Ich immer liebe fur immer und immer halten konnent. Die neblannaherungen vom schleicht sich ein, uns einzaunend, wenn wasche angstlich, wahrend es dem wissen sich nahert, dass es nichts gibt rollen innen wei cloudblankets alles, das user enweichon verhidert. Tauchten sie. Es Gibt nichts nach links zu sehen. Wei nehmen einen Blink an der oberflache, die alle frei ist es gibtnicht, sich nicht jrtzt zu furehten. Wir sehen nach hause zusammen. Das aufeachen von diese Traum solscher schonheit Traurrigkeit erwarter, Ich sitze alleine nach meinem bett und schreie und schreie und weine fur sein sie. Ich kann nicht mit ihenen fur mich sein bin nicht unter den toten. Ich habe legeden Tief. Ich kann nur weinen. Ich Liebe!

Eternal Flame Shine bright with all of your love and light Deutchland Ich Liebe !

Evening Falls

When evening falls and daylight is fading. From within me calls could it be I am sleeping? For a moment I stay, then it holds me completely. Close to home, I cannot say. Close to home feeling so far away.

As I walk there before me a shadow from another world, where I cannot follow. Carry me to my own, to where I an cross over... Close to home. I cannot say. Close to home. feeling so far away.

Forever searching; night right, I am lost in oceans of night. Forever hoping I can find memories thoes memories I left behind.

Even though I leave will I go on? Beliving that this time is real am I lost in feeling? Like a child passing through, never knowing the reason. I am home feeling oh so far away.

Deutchland's Rosen Ich Liebe Always Eternally!

The Love Of My Life

The love of my life. So deep so true only if you I could have told you.  My heart so filed with my love for you. Peace asending in bloom. You can see and yes I belive you know. Your spirit lives within me. Gone for is past filled with sorrow and heartbreak. In my heart for you is my tenderness and love. My tendeness for you will replace the tears of anguish and suffering. Love knows not of fear my dear one. You are so beautiful so perfect in everyway. Your spirit shines through me we will never part. In my heart you are do divine my angel sent from above.

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The Morning After

There has got to be a morning after. If we can hold on through the night. We have a chance to find the sunshine, let us keep looking for the light.

Oh can't you see the morning after? It is waiting right outside the storm. Why don't we cross the bridge together and find a place that is safe and warm.

It is not to late, we should be giving. Only with love can we climb. It is not too late, not while we are living. Let us put our hands out in time.

There has to be a morning after, we are moving closer to the shore, I know we will be there tomorrow. We will escape the darkness. We will not be searching anymore. There is got to be a Morning After.....


Dieses ist fur alle thoes, die unter den ozeantifen parished. Sie frieden und freude und happiness im afterlife fiden, den wir sie gross Ich Liebe Vermissen!